The purchase of a ticket in the web page involves the formalization of a contract. This contract includes the hereafter general conditions that are accepted in the moment the purchase is effected.

1.- General conditions
Only the passenger whose name appears in the ticket, will be transported, to whom there can be requested to show the corresponding identification (identity card, passport or equivalent).
1.2.- The ticket is not transferable.
1.3.- Some tickets are sailed at discount prices, which can be partial or totally not refundable.
1.4.- At all time the ticket is a property of the transporter who issues it.
1.5.- Passengers will not have right to be transported if the ticket is damaged or modified

2.- Validity of the ticket
2.1.- The ticket is valid only from the date of issue until the date of the excursion or contracted activity.
2.2.- The ticket you have purchased is only valid for the excursion or the activity that is written on it..
2.3.- The passenger must know that in case he does not arrive at the time of the excursion o activity, the amount of the ticket will not be refund.

3.- Price and purchase of the ticket
3.1.- The purchase of the ticket shall follow at the web page.
3.2.- After the purchase of the ticket, the passenger will be informed by email about the programmed time of the excursion, as well as the details of the product or activity he has just contracted.
3.3.- The confirming mail of the purchase will take full validity as a ticket and can be presented in any format when requested.
3.4.- The price is only referred to the excursion or contracted activity, unless something else is indicated. The price does not include other additional services that could be offered during the excursion or contracted activity.

1.1.- Only in case the programmed activity has been cancelled by the company before getting on board, the whole price of the ticket or a part of it shall be refunded.
1.2.The cancelation of the trip by the costumer must be no later than 48 hours prior the start time of the activity. In this case customer will receive full refund. There will be no refund, if customer cancels his attendance less than 48h before the event.
1.3.- Refund will be carried out in the same way as the client has purchased the ticket, and to the same person that figures in the ticket or to who paid it.
1.4.- The skipper of the boat has the legal authority to cancel the activity in the moment of loading the passengers in unfavourable weather conditions or in case of adverse forecasts. In this case 100% of the amount of the activity will be refunded or the client will be relocated for another date.

1.1.- At the purchase of the ticket, the passenger will be informed about the programmed time of the excursion or activity, and this time will figure on the ticket. It is possible to change the programmed time after the issue of the ticket or even to cancel the excursion, since the activities are carried out on the sea and with different people, and are submitted to possible previous variations on in situ (physical conditions of the passengers, meteorology, any danger to physical integrity of passengers, state of the fishing … ). Those changes don’t give right to any compensation.
1.2.- If the passenger has supplied correct contact details, the company will duly inform him any changes. .

The activity can only be modified for meteorological or security reasons, at the discretion of the skipper.
The orders of the skipper or of the person in charge of the security on board will strictly be followed as for:
– The use of life jackets and the cases of abandonment of ship.
– Spaces and restricted tasks during handling and navigation.
If at our reasonable discretion, the behavior of passengers on board endangers the security of the boat or of any person or object on board, hinders the fulfillment of the tasks of the crew, objects to the crew’s orders, or causes any discomfort, trouble, nuisance or injury to the passengers or to the crew, or to any personal belonging, the skipper is allowed to take any reasonable measure in order to prevent such behavior, including coercive measures. Passengers can be unloaded at any place, the transport can be denied and the company can go to the law for the infractions on board.
If as a result of the behavior of the passenger, the crew decides to turn the boat aside in order to put him ashore, the passenger will have to pay all costs and incurred expenses, whatever they are, if they arise from the detour. If the passenger has caused any hurt or his actions have cause to Away Leisure any cost, he will be liable for the above mentioned cost, hurt or any other responsibility. Passenger will be requested all the cost that it has incurred as a result of the present rules, with the right to execute legal actions before the court.

1.1.- Passengers have to wear suitable and comfortable cloths to spend a journey in the sea, particularly in certain excursions.
2.- Personal belonging
2.1.- It is not allowed to bring to the boat:
– objects suitable to endanger the security of the boat, the persons o things on board.
– objects that are forbidden by legal regulation concerning maritime security.
– objects considered non suitable by the skipper because they can be dangerous or unsafe regarding its weight, size, shape or character, or because they are fragile or perishable depending on the type of the contracted excursion.
2.2.- The skipper can deny to bring to the boat any object that is reasonably unsuitable to be transported according to its size, shape, weight, content and character, or for operational or security reasons, or for the comfort of the other passengers.
2.3.- All kind of animal is not allowed on board (except assistance dogs).
2.4.- organización is not liable for any loss or hurt of neither personal belonging of passenger on board nor his clothes.


Disabled passengers, or those suffering physical, psychological or sensory deficiencies, pregnant women, sick persons or any other person demanding a special assistance should contact before purchasing the ticket. The company will analyze each single case in order to guaranty that the alleged activity is suitable for his personal circumstances, with the engagement to do all its best to find the best solution. Otherwise, the company keeps its admission rights.
1.3.- Special meals on board which differ to those that have been contracted will not be offered. Moreover, it has the right to modify the menus without prior notice due to the special characteristics of the activity, with no liability towards the passenger.
1.4.- It is recommended to passengers with health problems to seek medical advice before contracting certain boat excursions.
1.5.- If the passenger is likely to suffer dizziness on board, it is recommended to take any medicine to avoid it before the activity.
1.6.- Special assistance is not a part of the contract organización will not be liable if it is impossible to fulfill it and keeps the right to deny shipment.

1.1.- The skipper can refuse to embark the client for safety reasons or, applying its reasonable criterion and at any point of the activity, it can refuse to transport any passenger in any of the following situations, with no right to refund:
– the passenger does not comply with legal regulation.
– the transport of passenger can endanger or affect the safety or health, or affect the comfort of the other passengers or the crew.
– if the mental o physical state of the passenger, including the problems arising from alcohol or drugs, implies a problem or a risk for himself, for the rest of passengers or the crew, or for the goods of the passengers or the crew.
– the passenger has used threatening, abusing or insulting words, or if he has kept a threatening, abusing, insulting or undisciplined behavior towards a member of personnel or a member of the crew of the boat o towards the other passengers.
– the passenger is, or the skipper reasonably thinks that the passenger is, in illegal possession of drugs or any other illegal substance.
– the passenger has put in danger the safety of the boat and of any person on board.
– the passenger has committed a crime during any phase of the activity.
– the passenger has behaved incorrectly in a previous activity and there are motives for thinking that he can repeat this behavior.
– the passenger has refused to duly accredit his identity.
– the passenger has not paid the price of the ticket.
– the passenger does not seem to have the ticket in rule or denies to present it to the crew or to the personnel of the activities in land at request, or presents expired documents that do not comply with legal regulations, or that are false, either by usurpation of identity or by falsification of documents.
1.2.- The presented ticket:
– was illegally acquired or was purchased to a company that is not Away Leisure or is not binded with it.
– there is information that it is a case of a lost, stolen or false ticket.
– he has a ticket that has been modified or has been maimed.
1.3.- In the moment of embark the passenger requests a special assistance that has not been requested or confirmed before.
1.4.- The passenger has not complied with any instruction or with the legal regulation concerning safety.
1.5.- In the moment to present the ticket the passenger cannot demonstrate that he is the person whose name appears in it.

1.1.- According to the law, in order to realize a reservation the passenger allows Away Leisure to preserve all the personal information that he has supplied for issuing the ticket. Moreover, the company is allowed to transmit such information to the suppliers of the contracted services.
1.2.- organization keeps the right to use the pictures taken during the activities for its exclusive use  on purpose of marketing of the company. The persons who do not want to be photographed have to indicate it before the beginning of the activity.
1.3- All customers will have at their disposal the claim sheet .

1.4- The purchase of the ticket implies the client’s assumption of the whole content of those General Conditions.
